Practice in Public Makes Perfect: how playing for your fans makes you better

Written by on May 18, 2016

Price, 57, has played music nearly her whole life, starting with piano when she was five years old. But in the fall of 2009, the guitar was still something of mystery to her. She had been playing for only a couple of months and was struggling a bit with the new challenges. Yet, instead of holing up in her living room to practice until she felt more confident, she did something totally unexpected: she packed up her guitar and sheet music, headed into downtown Los Angeles, and set up outdoors to work through the new techniques.

Twice a year, Active Arts, a series of programs run by the Music Center in Los Angeles, invites recreational musicians to the arts center’s campus for a 30-minute outdoor practice session called Public Practice. There are no rules about what participants can and cannot play, and mistakes are more than welcome.

“I looked at it as a way to make the time to practice, because I’m always so busy,” explains Price, a legal secretary. Having participated in Public Practice three times, she’s found that bringing her music outdoors helps her focus. “Playing out in public encourages me to approach things a little bit differently. Even though it’s not a performance, knowing that I might have observers helps me to organize my practice session,” she says.

On the other hand, Eric Oto, a saxophonist and two-time participant, has occasionally found himself sidetracked during outdoor sessions–but in a good way. “The acoustics were so fascinating that I ended up, for a little while, just strolling around the campus plaza listening for different sounds,” says the 48-year-old lawyer. “Hearing the sounds bouncing off of the granite, concrete, and everything else outside was really interesting, and it got me to think a lot more about sound production, rather than just technique.”

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Dr. Jermaine Gordon
Dr. Jermaine Gordon migrated to Florida, U.S in 2009 in his early thirties. From the heart of Kingston Jamaica, Dr. Gordon is the perfect embodiment of former international Fashion Model meets business Savvy Expert. He is a Fashion Model that has hit runways all around the world in over 7 countries. He elevated his passion for Fashion and Modeling into his own brand. The Olanquan brand. This brand stemmed from the blood sweat and tears of Dr. Gordon a young kid that was bullied for the Fashion he wore, who now has his own clothing line designs, Fashion Show and magazines and more loved by hundreds of thousands worldwide. He not only has a great eye for design but also a great heart and doesn't forget his roots which is why he started The Olanquan Feed The Kidz foundation to give back to his community. Dr. Gordon, now rubbing shoulders with the movers and shakers in society. They include Kimora Lee-Simmons an American model, Curtis Jackson aka Fifty Cent and former playwright Ralph Holness. " At age 17, I became a member of the Area Youth Foundation- a brilliant avenue for at-risk youths to express themselves through drama. Jermaine wrote a script for his group which won the Best Award. Ralph Holness a special guest at the event spotted Jermaine's acting talent and quickly drafted him into his production Balm Yard Affairs. He also played lead roles in Ruth Samuels, Hell A Pop A Yard and Hugh King's Night Work The opportunity took the young actor to three different countries with 700 shows to his credit. He was then in his early twenties. He further his academic studies receiving a Doctorate in Divinity at the Universal church in Seattle, Washington. He also did a diplomatic course at the University of London; later flew to Germany mastering a global governance course which covers management, a leadership and team development. Today, Dr. Gordon is the Founder and C.O.O. of Olanquan Broadcasting Company (OBC), 'He hope this will give a second chance to the forgotten voices.

Reader's opinions
  1. Commenter 264   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    ris. Sed facilisis nulla a est. Proin sit amet lectus. Morbi suscipit libero a nisl. Sed quam ipsum, ullamcorper non, congue vitae, ornare non, nisl. Nunc ultrices. Aliquam imperdiet velit sit amet nulla. Sed a neque. Fusce tempus tortor ut diam. Quisque sagittis lacus eget velit. Quisque augue magna, commodo in, molestie nec, convallis at, tortor. Etiam blandit ultrices tortor. Aliquam nisi risus, lobortis vitae, elementum pulvinar, viverra vel, dolor. Donec metus urna, faucibus aliquet, egestas in, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin nisi. Nunc hendrerit nisi lobortis purus.

    Vivamus turpis ante, ultrices scelerisque, elementum id, tempor at, quam. Cras eu mauris eu nulla congue convallis. Fusce ornare, nibh sit amet porta rhoncus, nibh metus tincidunt

  2. Commenter 265   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    lerisque, elementum id, tempor at, quam. Cras eu mauris eu nulla congue convallis. Fusce ornare, nibh sit amet porta rhoncus, nibh metus tincidunt magna, quis gravida dui neque pharetra risus. Etiam a felis. Fusce sed dolor. Mauris lectus mi, fringilla tempor, varius sit amet, placerat a, velit. Suspendisse justo. In vehicula urna fringilla neque. Suspendisse cursus, magna a imperdiet pellentesque, lacus velit dignissim urna, vel suscipit massa enim ac nunc. Proin porta aliquet eros. Curabitur ut erat. Quisque vitae tortor.

    Duis imperdiet, mi eget euismod fermentum, odio nisl posuere quam, sit amet tristique urna diam at lacus. Duis congue lacus non ipsum. Donec felis tortor, lacinia at, rhoncus id, scelerisque ornare, nisi. Mauris felis ligula, pharetra vitae, posuere eget, tincidunt at, turpis. Donec eget ligula. Praesent fermentum dictum nisl. Phasellus enim. Nam placer

  3. Commenter 267   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    eleifend hendrerit. Phasellus orci nunc, fermentum eu, ultrices quis, dapibus vitae, lectus. Donec blandit ligula vitae justo. Quisque rutrum ante ac nisi. Sed at mi. Donec eget odio in est tempus malesuada. Donec sem. Donec tortor. In auctor purus a lectus. Nulla a leo. Curabitur velit. In et lorem. Quisque congue, lorem sed cursus ullamcorper, mauris urna adipiscing enim, eget pulvinar est lacus ut augue.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin scelerisque lectus non purus. Donec quis tellus. Vestibulum dictum imperdiet lacus. Integer magna libero,

  4. Commenter 268   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    vel odio. Quisque lacus. Etiam consectetur rutrum justo.

    Duis facilisis. Aliquam sagittis. Proin consectetur egestas metus. Curabitur pellentesque posuere arcu. Integer lorem nulla, congue a, rhoncus nec, vestibulum a, ante. Mauris lobortis iaculis erat. Maecenas faucibus tincidunt dui. Cras accumsan vestibulum ligula. Morbi dapibus, lorem nec euismod pharetra, augue risus congue augue, molestie eleifend lacus magna nec magna. Morbi ac lorem.

    Aliquam id ipsum. Sed mauris. Cum sociis nat

  5. Commenter 269   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    molestie at, laoreet convallis, metus. Fusce leo nisi, ornare ut, ullamcorper ac, molestie et, quam. In vehicula arcu eu risus. Fusce ultrices lectus sit amet diam. Maecenas commodo risus eu diam. Maecenas at nibh. Nullam mattis pharetra dolor. Donec eleifend leo sit amet diam. Quisque ante. Aliquam erat volutpat.

    Maecenas vel lectus. Maecenas convallis lorem at risus. Nullam facilisis tortor. Quisque quis turpis. Suspendisse consectetur nisl. Integer facilisis, massa consectetur mattis sollicitudin, lectus elit pharetra eros, ut dignissim sapien nunc eu nisi. Nunc tortor. Vestibulum imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer fermentum tincidunt nisl. Vivamus fringilla, augue vel consec

  6. Commenter 270   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    cenas convallis lorem at risus. Nullam facilisis tortor. Quisque quis turpis. Suspendisse consectetur nisl. Integer facilisis, massa consectetur mattis sollicitudin, lectus elit pharetra eros, ut dignissim sapien nu

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